[Zope] Re: LocalFS w/ annotation data
Dan L. Pierson
Tue, 20 Jun 2000 08:51:23 -0400 (EDT)
Jonothan Farr writes:
> That sounds like a mess. LocalDirectory objects are not persistent, they are
> created each time they are requested. So you'll have nowhere to put your
> PersistentMappings except in the top-level LocalFS object. Trying to make the
> LocalDirectories persistent would be painful. For one, it would be hard to keep
> in synch with the file system. You could store everything in a PM at the top and
> use paths relative to the base but that would make copy,rename,etc. also messy,
> like you said.
I was planning to put the only top level PersistentMapping in the
LocalFS object, all the others would be values in it. Still, you're
right, it's not pretty.
> What about just storing your meta-data in files in the local file system? Then
> you wouldn't need to modify the LocalFS product at all. Just write a ZClass that
> can read/write you meta-data file format.
Might well be a better approach. I'll think about it. Unfortunately,
it doesn't remove the need for automatically handling move, copy and
rename, since these files wouldn't be visible to the normal archive users.