[Zope] embed an SQL method inside a <dtml-in> tag

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Mon, 26 Jun 2000 20:40:22 +0200 (CEST)

Andrew Kenneth Milton writes:
 > +----[ wai@mahirnet.com ]---------------------------------------------
 > | I tried to embed an SQL method statement inside my <dtml-in> listing, the
 > | problem I'm facing was, will Z sql method detact the value I passed in, let
 > | say :
 > | 
 > | # This is my first listing
 > | <dtml-in abc_sql_statement>
 > |      #another sql_statement
 > |      <dtml-in bcd_statement>
 > |           <dtml-var xyz>
 > |      <dtml-in>
 > | </dtml-in>
 > | #  The bcd_statement will not be requested by a form
 > The inside loop bcd_statement needs to have the values passed to it
 > explicitly, because values from the outer dtml-in will not be 
 > acquired.
 > So...
 > <dtml-in "bcd_statement(a=a, b=b, c=c)">
Alternatively, you could place the values from "abc_sql_statement"
into the "REQUEST" object:

	<dtml-call "REQUEST.set(a=a)">
