[Zope] Howto engineer a scientific paper system
Ben Leslie
Thu, 29 Jun 2000 11:26:13 +1000
On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, ChristianThayer@mailandnews.com wrote:
> How to engineer a scientific paper system
> Are there products out for this, should we produce one?
> ------
> In short, I would like to have Zope assist me in producing a
> scientific paper.
> So how can I produce pointers from within the text to objects holding
> more information about these pointers, i.e. a referene within a
> paragraph is linked to the bibliography.
> ------
> My setup so far is a folder structure, with DTML Documents for
> content that have Properties holding the references in token
> (semi-colon) separeted lines.
> Methods are used to parse the folder (having chapter properties) and
> DTML Documents in order to get a table of content structure and
> html-styled reference list respectively.
You might want to check out DocBook, (sorry don't have a URL handy).
DocBook is an SGML DTD which defines a lot tags used for making books and
articles. These might be applicable to scientific papers.
Once you write up the DocBook you can then convert it HTML, rtf, TeX (and then
to postscript). Or you could make up any other stylesheets to convert it to
other formats. (I'm stil new to this so my exact terminology might be a bit
off ;).
There is also XML DocBook DTD for those who want to be buzzword compliant ;)
Then again I've used plain old LaTeX for writing up university reports and this
is also quite a nice markup language as well.
Anyway this might be something for you to look at, you could quite easily
intergrate this into Zope (ie: have a docbook class, which lets you edit the
document and then methods to convert to other formats or something similar).
Anyway, just my 2c.