[Zope] SQLSession and Performance issues
Hannu Krosing
Fri, 03 Mar 2000 12:02:08 +0200
Timothy Grant wrote:
> Hung Jung Lu wrote:
> As Pavlos Christoforou said, another strategy is to
> > have a single session data variable (a dictionary,
> > for instance), and then retrieve it, say, in your
> > standard_html_header and store it in your standard_html_footer
> > (or their equivalents.) This way you only need to access
> > the database twice per request.
> Now this in an interesting idea, but all my attempts to computationally
> build a dictionary within Zope have gone to naught. I would love any
> advice on this as I believe it could very well be the key to this
> problem.
To build a dict in DTML, try something like this:
<dtml-var standard_html_header>
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('mydict',{})">
<dtml-call "mydict.update({'e':7})">
<dtml-with mydict mapping>
[<dtml-var e>]
<dtml-var standard_html_footer>
Plain python assignment won't work, as a "=" in python is a statement,
and statements are not supported, only function calls.
to remove a key, use <dtml-call "del(mydict['e'])">