[Zope] Attribut error...value: _u

Nico Grubert nico@beehive.de
Sat, 04 Mar 2000 16:09:48 +0100


can anybody tell me what this error is ?
i am craeting a zclass and adding an instances via dtml....

Zope Error

           Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.

           Error Type: AttributeError
           Error Value: _u

           Troubleshooting Suggestions

                The URL may be incorrect.
                The parameters passed to this resource may be incorrect.

                A resource that this resource relies on may be
encountering an error.

           For more detailed information about the error, please refer
to the HTML source for this page.

           If the error persists please contact the site maintainer.
Thank you for your patience.

Traceback (innermost last):
  File C:\Programme\zope201\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 214,
in publish_module
  File C:\Programme\zope201\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 179,
in publish
  File C:\Programme\zope201\lib\python\Zope\__init__.py, line 201, in
    (Object: ElementWithAttributes)
  File C:\Programme\zope201\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 165,
in publish
  File C:\Programme\zope201\lib\python\ZPublisher\mapply.py, line 160,
in mapply
    (Object: Add_instance_html)
  File C:\Programme\zope201\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 102,
in call_object
    (Object: Add_instance_html)
  File C:\Programme\zope201\lib\python\OFS\DTMLMethod.py, line 145, in
    (Object: Add_instance_html)
  File C:\Programme\zope201\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_String.py,
line 502, in __call__
    (Object: Add_instance_html)
  File C:\Programme\zope201\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_With.py, line
148, in render
    (Object: manage_addProduct['Distribution'])
  File C:\Programme\zope201\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_Util.py, line
321, in eval
    (Object: BOOKCLASS_add(_.None,_, NoRedir=1))
  File <string>, line 0, in ?
  File C:\Programme\zope201\lib\python\OFS\DTMLMethod.py, line 141, in
    (Object: BOOKCLASS_add)
  File C:\Programme\zope201\lib\python\DocumentTemplate\DT_String.py,
line 502, in __call__
    (Object: BOOKCLASS_add)
  File C:\Programme\zope201\lib\python\App\FactoryDispatcher.py, line
126, in DestinationURL
AttributeError: (see above)
thank you