[Zope] mod_pcgi2 for whole site

John Morton jwm@plain.co.nz
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 10:26:24 +1300 (NZDT)

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Jordan B. Baker writes:
 > Weirdness...
 > I've almost got mod_pcgi2 setup to serve my entire site fronted by Apache
 > but I've run into one final snag.
 > When I access the home page of the site I notice that the BASE HREF
 > returned by Zope is saying its http://XXX/index.html/
Ran into this one myself - the solution is to remove the DocumentRoot
directive, then just use the SetHandler and similar tags in the body
of the config file, though you can put them in a location container if 
you like.
 > Anyone have a valid configuration for this situation that I can take a
 > look at?
Here's a couple of files I'm using. They should give you some idea of
the modules you need to have loaded, too:

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# Apache HTTPD Configuration file automatically generated 
# by hand :-)

Include		/etc/httpd/conf-include/zope-site-modules
BindAddress	nova.kaos.org.nz
ServerName	nova.kaos.org.nz
ServerRoot      /etc/httpd
PidFile		/var/log/httpd/nova.kaos.org.nz/httpd-pid
ServerType	standalone
Port		80
User		kaoswww
Group		kaoswww
ServerAdmin	jwm@plain.co.nz
TransferLog	/var/log/httpd/nova.kaos.org.nz/httpd-log
ErrorLog	/var/log/httpd/nova.kaos.org.nz/httpd-errors
LogLevel        notice

HostNameLookups off

# Setup for a stand alone zope site

Timeout         400
MinSpareServers 2
MaxSpareServers 4
StartServers    2
MaxClients      256
MaxRequestsPerChild     1000

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\""

ResourceConfig  /dev/null
AccessConfig	/dev/null
TypesConfig     /etc/httpd/conf/mime.types

# mod_pcgi2 settings for Jeff Rush's Zope 2.1.2 RPMs
PCGI_MODULE_PATH /usr/share/zope/lib/python/Zope
# Zope is run as user zope while this server is kaoswww, so
# we can't really spawn new publishers.
PCGI_PUBLISHER /var/zope/pcgi_nullpublisher.py
PCGI_EXE /usr/bin/python
PCGI_SOCKET_FILE /var/run/pcgi.soc
PCGI_PID_FILE /var/run/zserver.pid
# I doubt anything will actually be written here now that
# the RPM versions use syslog
PCGI_ERROR_LOG /etc/httpd/log/nova.kaos.org.nz/kaos-pcgi.log

### Important! Don't set a DocumentRoot so that mod_pcgi will
### be used to handle any URL request from the root directory up!
SetHandler pcgi-handler
PCGI_SetEnv SiteRootPATH /

# You can define special locations with special properties. I
# expect that Alias will work, too, if you want to server up
# documents or images direct from the file system.
<Location /debug>
SetHandler pcgi-handler
PCGI_SetEnv SiteRootPATH /

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# This is a minmal set of modules to Apache/mod_pcgi2 going. 

# By default, my apache has mod_log_config complied in. You'll probably
# want it, seeing as that's one of the main things apache does more
# conveniently that Medusa.

# You must have these modules to access the management screens -
# headers sets the authorization header and env sets the
# HTTP_CGI_AUTHORIZATION variable that Zope needs.

LoadModule headers_module     modules/mod_headers.so
LoadModule env_module         modules/mod_env.so

# You'll want these if you want to serve a few static documents or
# images outside of Zope. 

LoadModule mime_module        modules/mod_mime.so
LoadModule alias_module       modules/mod_alias.so

# I used mod_access to control who got access to the site
# while I was building it. It's optional

LoadModule access_module      modules/mod_access.so

# mod_pcgi2 is necessary to access Zope without all that tedious 
# mucking about with CGI scripts and mod_rewrite rules. 

LoadModule pcgi2_module       modules/libpcgi2.so

#  Reconstruction of the complete module list from all available modules
#  (static and shared ones) to achieve correct module execution order.

AddModule mod_pcgi2.c
AddModule mod_log_config.c
AddModule mod_mime.c
AddModule mod_alias.c
AddModule mod_access.c
AddModule mod_so.c
AddModule mod_env.c
AddModule mod_headers.c

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