[Zope] Cache settings?
Itamar Shtull-Trauring
Mon, 06 Mar 2000 21:52:34 +0200
John Goerzen wrote:
> In the Control Panel, Database, Cache area, what does Target Size
> refer to? Number of pages? Kilobytes? What does it mean by
> "target"? What exactly is being cached?
The Zope objects that are stored in the ZODB, not their contents.
> What is the difference between this and ZCache?
ZCache caches method results. It's kinda broken and not very extendible.
I'm writing GenericCache as a replacement, but it'll only be finished when I
have enough time.
-= This is NOT a pyramid scheme =-
The SNAFU Principle: True communication is possible only between equals
Itamar S.T. itamars@ibm.net