[Zope] Object Manager and Folder

Mario Lang mlang@home.delysid.org
Wed, 08 Mar 2000 18:29:05 +0100


I am quite new to Zope and currently try to create a BookClass ZClass Product.
I came across several issues where you probably can give me some useful tips:

1. What is the difference between inheriting rom Object Manager and/or Folder.

2. My product will include Cover Images of the books. (a small and a large one).
Whats the best way to implement this? I thought about creating emtpy images (smallcover and largecover),
but I dont know how to ask the Objects if they contain something.
Or should I just add the Images in my BookClass Instance programmatically?

3. Wasn't their any web-client product for Zope so that I could retrieve content from the web directory and import it in Objects (like a Image) without having
to upload it manually?

And the last one:
Is their any special reason why FTP access doesnt work in the /Control_Panel/Products folder?
All methods are empty their. I work with Emacs and ange-ftp is quite
a good method to access content of Zope Objects.

Besides, if I change the content of a Object through the web interface,
Zope seems to convert < > and " chars into &lt; &gt; &quot;
I understand why, but is this really necessary. It seems as if nearly all
textmode browsers (as lynx and emacs/w3) dont care about converting the entities back tto their corresponding characters.

Thanks in advance,
               Mario <mlang@delysid.org>