[Zope] RE: [newbie] MySQLDA Installation error at MySQLdb build.
Eric L. Walstad
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 10:05:54 -0800
Dave & Chris,
Thanks for replying.
I'm running Caldera OpenLinux 2.3. I chose it because I heard that it had
one of the smoothest installations. I am only a few months into Linux; I'm
transitioning over from the Dark Side (Microsoft). Heehee.
Here's my best guess at what's going wrong with the MySQLDA/db installation.
I think it is related to access rights or locations to the
libmysqlclient.so.6 file. When I run build.py, I can see the script
accessing the MySQL library folder (in my case: /usr/local/lib/mysql) This
is the path the MySQL 'make install' script displayed when it was done
installing MySQL. I checked, and the library files are there. Anyway, I
can see the build.py script working some of its magic within this folder, so
I feel confident that the paths in the Setup.in file are correct. However,
it is crashing when it tries to "from _mysql inport *". I am not (yet) a
Python programmer, so I don't understand the implications of this import.
I'll reprint the error message I received for anyone else that reads this:
Traceback (innermost last):
File "build.py", line 14, in ?
import MySQLdb
File "MySQLdb.py", line 19, in ?
from _mysql inport *
ImportError: libmysqlclient.so.6: cannot open shared object file: no such
file or directory"
I like your idea of making a link to the MySQL library file
(libmysqlclient.so.6). I know this is a stupid question, but if I run:
ln /usr/local/include/mysql libmysqlclient.so.6
what will the link be called, and where will it be located? How will this
help the build.py script?
Thanks again for your input!
This seems to be pretty common which makes me feel, well, not alone...
Thanks for the note and I'll keep you updated on my progress.
Here's what Dave Curtis sent me earlier today. He reinstalled EVERYTHING
and it worked, but I'm not ready to go that far yet. Maybe something in
here will help you...
Major bummer! Installing ZOPE with MySQL is not as easy as it could/should
be. I wish one of the programmers would clear up this Zope/MySQL confusion.
I wonder if Alanprog could help out by simplifying the installation. As I
am a newbie I would love to fix it but it way over my head.
Ok, about your problem, this is where I also got stuck. Here is my solution.
I reinstalled linux (probably didn't need to but I did) I used an older
version of MySQL ver 3.22.27 and installed ZOPE, PYTHON, MYSQL from the
source. I made sure that I also installed the python development stuff. I
then used the the same procedure and viola the darn thing worked. Can't
tell you anymore. Well, use can try using a link
# ln /usr/local/include/mysql libmysqlclient.so.6
and see if it can now find the libraries/files it needs.
Are you sure that the Setup.in path is correct? I looked at both these
files build.py and MySQLdb.py they both refer to libraries and their
respective location. Anyway good luck and if you get an answer, please let
me know also. I am curious what O/S your are using and why you choose it.
I probably going to change over to mandrake linux for security reasons.
// -----Original Message-----
// From: Chris Best [mailto:chris.best@bluesky-technologies.com]
// Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2000 9:04 AM
// To: ewalstad@energywright.com
// Subject: Zope MySQL
// Eric
// I'm having almost exactly the same problem except build.py crashes with:
// ImportError: No module named _mysql
// If you get an answer before me could you let me know and I'll do
// the same.
// Cheers
// Chris