[Zope] RE: [newbie] MySQLDA Installation error at MySQLdb bui ld.

Eric L. Walstad ewalstad@energywright.com
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 10:49:15 -0800

Hi Chris (Carlson),
Thanks for the reply!

1.  I added the following line to my /etc/ld.so.conf file:
2.  I ran 'ldconfig'
3.  I re-ran build.py.  Here is the new error message. (notice that the last
line changed from before):
Traceback (innermost last):
   File "build.py", line 14, in ?
     import MySQLdb
   File "MySQLdb.py", line 19, in ?
     from _mysql inport *
 ImportError: ./_mysqlmodule.so: undefined symbol: Py_InitModule3

Note that the file '_mysqlmodule.so' is in the
'/usr/local/Zope/lib/python/Products/MySQLdb-0.1.2' directory

4.  I tried adding '/usr/local/Zope/lib/python/Products/MySQLdb-0.1.2' to my
/etc/ld.so.conf file, re-running ldconfig, then re-running build.py, but I
got the same error.

It seems like we are getting a little closer!  Any more guidance would sure
be appreciated!

Thanks again,


// -----Original Message-----
// From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of
// Carlson, Christopher W.
// Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2000 10:25 AM
// To: 'ewalstad@energywright.com'
// Cc: 'zope@zope.org'
// Subject: RE: [Zope] RE: [newbie] MySQLDA Installation error at MySQLdb
// bui ld.
// I've never used Caldera's distribution, but if it's anything
// like Red Hat,
// the following should work:
// 1) Open /etc/ld.so.conf with your favorite text editor and append the
// directory in which libmysqlclient is located.
// 2) Run 'ldconfig'
// This will update the list of directories that the linker searches.
// Let me know how it goes.
// --- Chris
// -----Original Message-----
// From: Eric L. Walstad [mailto:ewalstad@energywright.com]
// Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2000 12:06 PM
// To: CURTIS David; Chris Best; zope@zope.org
// Subject: [Zope] RE: [newbie] MySQLDA Installation error at MySQLdb
// build.
// Dave & Chris,
// Thanks for replying.
// I'm running Caldera OpenLinux 2.3.  I chose it because I heard
// that it had
// one of the smoothest installations.  I am only a few months into
// Linux; I'm
// transitioning over from the Dark Side (Microsoft).  Heehee.
// Here's my best guess at what's going wrong with the MySQLDA/db
// installation.
// I think it is related to access rights or locations to the
// libmysqlclient.so.6 file.  When I run build.py, I can see the script
// accessing the MySQL library folder (in my case:
// /usr/local/lib/mysql)  This
// is the path the MySQL 'make install' script displayed when it was done
// installing MySQL.  I checked, and the library files are there.  Anyway, I
// can see the build.py script working some of its magic within
// this folder, so
// I feel confident that the paths in the Setup.in file are
// correct.  However,
// it is crashing when it tries to "from _mysql inport *".  I am not (yet) a
// Python programmer, so I don't understand the implications of this import.
// I'll reprint the error message I received for anyone else that
// reads this:
// Traceback (innermost last):
//   File "build.py", line 14, in ?
//     import MySQLdb
//   File "MySQLdb.py", line 19, in ?
//     from _mysql inport *
// ImportError: libmysqlclient.so.6: cannot open shared object file: no such
// file or directory"
// I like your idea of making a link to the MySQL library file
// (libmysqlclient.so.6).  I know this is a stupid question, but if I run:
// ln  /usr/local/include/mysql libmysqlclient.so.6
// what will the link be called, and where will it be located?  How
// will this
// help the build.py script?
// Thanks again for your input!
// Chris,
// This seems to be pretty common which makes me feel, well, not alone...
// Thanks for the note and I'll keep you updated on my progress.
// Here's what Dave Curtis sent me earlier today.  He reinstalled EVERYTHING
// and it worked, but I'm not ready to go that far yet.  Maybe something in
// here will help you...
// +++++++++++++++++
// Eric,
// Major bummer! Installing ZOPE with MySQL is not as easy as it
// could/should
// be.  I wish one of the programmers would clear up this
// Zope/MySQL confusion.
// I wonder if Alanprog could help out by simplifying the
// installation.  As I
// am a newbie I would love to fix it but it way over my head.
// Ok, about your problem, this is where I also got stuck. Here is
// my solution.
// I reinstalled linux (probably didn't need to but I did)  I used an older
// version of MySQL ver 3.22.27 and installed  ZOPE, PYTHON, MYSQL from the
// source.  I made sure that I also installed the python
// development stuff. I
// then used the the same procedure and viola the darn thing worked.  Can't
// tell you anymore.  Well, use can try using a link
// # ln  /usr/local/include/mysql libmysqlclient.so.6
// and see if it can now find the libraries/files it needs.
// Are you sure that the Setup.in path is correct?  I looked at both these
// files build.py and MySQLdb.py they both refer to libraries and their
// respective location.  Anyway good luck and if you get an answer,
// please let
// me know also.  I am curious what O/S your are using and why you
// choose it.
// I probably going to change over to mandrake linux for security reasons.
// Dave
// +++++++++++++++++
// // -----Original Message-----
// // From: Chris Best [mailto:chris.best@bluesky-technologies.com]
// // Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2000 9:04 AM
// // To: ewalstad@energywright.com
// // Subject: Zope MySQL
// //
// //
// // Eric
// //
// // I'm having almost exactly the same problem except build.py
// crashes with:
// //
// // ImportError: No module named _mysql
// //
// // If you get an answer before me could you let me know and I'll do
// // the same.
// //
// // Cheers
// //
// // Chris