[Zope] how to tell if displayed in a frame

Andy Heath a.k.heath@open.ac.uk
Thu, 09 Mar 2000 23:16:52 +0000

> I have a page that sometimes gets displayed in a frame
> and sometimes in the main window.  I want it to be
> display differently (with a header) when its  not
> in a frame.  Is there a way I can do this?
> I don't suppose the name of the target frame
> gets passed to the browser does it?

I meant to say "passed to the web server"

> Presumably the only way to do this would be
> to do it in client-side code and fecth the header
> if appropriate and filter it to make it what is
> needed.  Or is it?

Andy Heath                    a.k.heath@open.ac.uk
The Open University           +44 (0) 114 2885738