[Zope] external redirects

Tony McDonald tony.mcdonald@ncl.ac.uk
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 08:58:37 +0000

At 7:59 pm -0500 14/3/00, Michael Oas wrote:
>I don't know if this is do-able, but here goes.  I'd like to do something
>like the following:
><dtml-var main_header>
><dtml-var "external site">
><dtml-var main_footer>
>I know, this defeats the purpose of Zope to some degree, but in this case
>I'd like to include an external site instead of employing frames.  Let's
>say, for example, that I'd like to showcase a resource located on another

You might be able to do something with urllib.urlretrieve (in an 
external method) and feed that back into Zope

*vaguely tested*
def doit(self, your_url):
	import urllib
	fn, h = urllib.urlretrieve(your_url)
	if h:
		fp = open(fn, "rb")
		data = fp.read()
	return data

You'll get junk like <HTML> and </HTML> in it, but it's a start...

Dr Tony McDonald,  FMCC, Networked Learning Environments Project 
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 222 5888
Fingerprint: 3450 876D FA41 B926 D3DD  F8C3 F2D0 C3B9 8B38 18A2