[Zope] Proxy Roles

Suneel Iyer suneeli@pacsg.css.mot.com
Mon, 20 Mar 2000 18:50:21 -0600

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Hello all,

I have the following code fragment in a method called
CategoryCustomizationForm contained in the folder /News:

<dtml-if preferences_saved>
  <b> Your preferences have been saved </b>
  <dtml-call "manage_changeProperties(preferences_saved=0)">

where "preferences_saved" is a property of the folder /News.

In the folder /News, the security view verfies that the permission of
"Manage properties" is allowed only by those in the "Manager" role. In
order to allow all authenticated users to use
the "manage_changeProperties" method in "CategoryCustomizationForm", I
assigned the proxy role of "Manager" to "CategoryCustomizationForm".
However, zope still only allows users in the role of Manager to access
"manage_changeProperties" in my form. In other words, the proxy role
assigned to the method "CategoryCustomizationForm" failed to override
the permissions of its containing folder /News. As a temporary fix, I
gave the "Authenticated" role permission to "Manage properties" in
/News. This works with regards to allowing all authenticated users to
access "manage_changeProperties" in my form. However, in the long run, I
don't want all authenticated users having manager type access to all
properties of /News. I have this failure of proxy roles in other areas
of development too, such as dtml creation of folders via manage_clone.
Is there something I'm missing about how to use proxy roles? Thanks for
your time.

Suneel Iyer                               Email : suneeli@pacsg.css.mot.com
Software Engineer                         Phone : (847) 523-7259
Advanced Technology Software Operations   Fax   : (847) 523-3867
Motorola Cellular Subscriber Sector       Pager : 1-800-759-8352, pin 1273286
600 North U.S. Hwy 45, MS AN363                   or email 1273286@skytel.com
Libertyville, IL  60048-1286

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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Hello all,
<p>I have the following code fragment in a method called CategoryCustomizationForm
contained in the folder /News:
<p>&lt;dtml-if preferences_saved>
<br>&nbsp; &lt;hr>
<br>&nbsp; &lt;b> Your preferences have been saved &lt;/b>
<br>&nbsp; &lt;hr>
<br>&nbsp; &lt;dtml-call "manage_changeProperties(preferences_saved=0)">
<p>where "preferences_saved" is a property of the folder /News.
<p>In the folder /News, the security view verfies that the permission of
"Manage properties" is allowed only by those in the "Manager" role. In
order to allow all authenticated users to use
<br>the "manage_changeProperties" method in "CategoryCustomizationForm",
I assigned the proxy role of "Manager" to "CategoryCustomizationForm".&nbsp;
However, zope still only allows users in the role of Manager to access
"manage_changeProperties" in my form. In other words, the proxy role assigned
to the method "CategoryCustomizationForm" failed to override the permissions
of its containing folder /News. As a temporary fix, I gave the "Authenticated"
role permission to "Manage properties" in /News. This works with regards
to allowing all authenticated users to access "manage_changeProperties"
in my form. However, in the long run, I don't want all authenticated users
having manager type access to all properties of /News. I have this failure
of proxy roles in other areas of development too, such as dtml creation
of folders via manage_clone. Is there something I'm missing about how to
use proxy roles? Thanks for your time.
Suneel Iyer&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Email : suneeli@pacsg.css.mot.com
Software Engineer&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Phone : (847) 523-7259
Advanced Technology Software Operations&nbsp;&nbsp; Fax&nbsp;&nbsp; : (847) 523-3867
Motorola Cellular Subscriber Sector&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Pager : 1-800-759-8352, pin 1273286
600 North U.S. Hwy 45, MS AN363&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; or email 1273286@skytel.com
Libertyville, IL&nbsp; 60048-1286</pre>
