[Zope] zope_msg.log Message
Tony Rossignol
Wed, 22 Mar 2000 08:51:45 -0700
Kevin Littlejohn wrote:
> I'm pretty convinced it's related to glibc version - the fact that a strace
> of the process shows it repeatedly opening/selecting over more and more
> fd's just before the process goes away suggests some sort of funky error
> handling to me - maybe one of the socket handling routines had a change in
> what error it produces between glibc versions? Anyway, I haven't had time
> to sit down and properly dig.
This is great, some light at the end of a very dark tunnel. One
question here:
How where you able to get strace to work? I've been trying and it
either would lock Zope up or just return instantly.
> 2.1.6 suffers the same problem.
Yes, we noticed that to.
> I can reproduce it instantly with a large enough page - stop the request
> mid-way, the closing of the socket to the client while Zope is serving the
> page up seems to be what causes it to go into it's loop, then die.
Is this only when accessing via FastCGI or does happen when using
ZServer as well?
Thanks for the info. If we find anything out I'll let you know.
Director of Web Technology
New Times, Inc.