[Zope] Role weirdness

Jon Prettyman jprettyman@acm.org
22 Mar 2000 12:11:50 -0800

I have a site containing some content users need to register to see.
The way I set this up was:

Using GUF to authenticate and assign users a role of

At one point in time, I created a user defined role at the root level
of my Zope called contentSubscriber.

I then changed the security on /premium to require contentSubscriber
role to view or access content information.

Now, I can't seem to find any mention of a contentSubscriber role
anywhere in my Zope management screens OTHER than by looking at a user
through /premium/acl_users/userList.

None of the Find/Advanced... screens mention my contentSubscriber role

The odd thing is that my access control scheme appears to work.  Other
than my random hourly crashes.
