[Zope] How do I pass parms past a redirect?

Garry Hodgson garry@sage.att.com
Thu, 23 Mar 2000 15:38:01 -0500

i'm building an app that requires me to connect to another
server in the company to do employee authentication.
one connects to that site, passing a return URL.
it verifies the employee, sets a cookie, and redirects
to the URL you gave it.

so, in a document i want to protect, say, ChangePerson.dtml,
i've got something like:

<dtml-if "REQUEST.cookies.has_key( 'attESSec' )">

	...regular actions for the page...

	<dtml-call "RESPONSE.expireCookie( 'attESSec' )">
	Missing attESSec cookie!
	<dtml-call "RESPONSE.redirect(

note that the URL i redirect to expects two parameters,
retURL says where to return, and
sysName is an application name given when
i registered to use their services.

so far, so good.  the problem is, my document expects to be
called with some parameters passed, like:

	<a href=ChangePerson?hrid=1234567&name=garry>Change</a>

now, i can't encode these parameters in the retURL
i pass the other site, as i get a "malformed syntax" error.

so, my question is, how do i make this information available
to my script on the return?  do i set a variable in the container?
set a cookie?  or is there some better way?

to broaden a bit, how does one pass information around in general?
so far, i see several methods, for calling:

External Method: piece of cake.  real live arglists, like god intended.
DMTL Doc from form: form variables, mixing hidden vars in for other
HTML links: cgi-style syntax, leads to ugly URLs.

is this the right way to do things, or am i missing something?

Garry Hodgson                   Every night 
garry@sage.att.com                a child is born
Software Innovation Services        is a Holy Night.
AT&T Labs                         - Sophia Lyon Fahs