[Zope] Re: Creating a CatalogAware ZClass

Kevin Howe khowe@performance-net.com
Sat, 25 Mar 2000 12:53:15 -0400

Hi, I'm hoping to get some feedback to a question I've had about whether
making ZClasses Catalog Aware is a good idea or not. Below is a my question
I asked and a few ideas from a response I received, can anyone
validate/invalidate any of these statements?


Is it good practice to simply make ZClasses Catalog Aware by default, or is
this something that should only be done when necessary?


 - Object cutting and pasting does not work properly for CatalogAware
 ZClasses. Is this a problem for you? Note you can still copy, paste and
 then delete the original object.

 - CatalogAware ZClasses look slightly more "fragile". I've seen posting
 about (fairly elusive) errors in Catalogs with such ZClasses. Note I never
 experienced them firsthand.

 - You could first create a base ZClass, then subclass it when creating your
 actual ZClasses. This base ZClass could include common stuff such as
 CatalogAwareness. Then if you change your mind you just need to modify the
 base ZClass. There is a way to change the base classes for a ZClass, though
 it's a hack.