[Zope] Problem with SQL+Special chars...

Oliver Wrede owrede@khm.de
Wed, 29 Mar 2000 18:19:19 +0200

I am having a problem with HTML entities.

I am using Zope to enter and output text into a MySQL Database.

When I output the text, it is rendered through my own External Method:

   <dtml-var "myMthod(myText)">

I tired to write a little subrouting which is supposed to translate special
chars in the database into HTML during output.

Unfortuneatly the texts are entered on both MacOS and Windows browsers. This
unfortunatly makes it difficult: There is no unique ASCII code in the
database -- in other words: the same special char may be represented in the
database with to character values.

First I looked if the <dtml-sqlvar ...> had anything to offer, but that does
not seem to be the case.

How can I store text in ISO-Latin into the database regardless the Text is
entered via a Mac-Browser or a Windows-Browser?


.. Oliver Wrede
.. owrede@khm.de

.. Academy of Media Arts, Cologne
.. Peter-Welter-Platz 2 . 50676 Koeln, Germany
.. http://www.khm.de
.. ICQ# 6580315
.. PGP 6.0 Fingerprint:
.. 922C FFA2 9A07 5B8E CB2A  10A2 C370 6A62 2232 196C