[Zope] Mac2ISO conversion?
Oliver Wrede
Wed, 29 Mar 2000 18:41:16 +0200
I need to enter text data into a MySQL database via HTML forms.
Text entered on a Macintosh client is not ISO-Latin as it seems. When
getting that text out of the database, the special characters are broken in
the HTML page but not in the textarea.
Text entered via a Windows browser are not broken in the Mac browsers HTML
page - but in the textarea.
So I guess I should care for getting ISO-Latin text from the Mac clients
into the database!
From other areas I know this requires a mac-to-iso translation (in both
directions (because the text must be editable on Macs).
But how can I do this in Zope?
I know how to figure out, if it's a Mac-Client -- do I have to create an
External method fr this?
.. Oliver Wrede
.. owrede@khm.de
.. Academy of Media Arts, Cologne
.. Peter-Welter-Platz 2 . 50676 Koeln, Germany
.. http://www.khm.de
.. ICQ# 6580315
.. PGP 6.0 Fingerprint:
.. 922C FFA2 9A07 5B8E CB2A 10A2 C370 6A62 2232 196C