[Zope] ] Re: [Zope] Zope in Jpython

Jerry Spicklemire jerry@spicklemire.com
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 15:19:29 -0500

J. Atwood wrote:

>I do think, though, that performance and benchmarking should be an 
>issues on the tips of DC tongues.

Though I haven't seen any clear statement to confirm this, I believe this
is a very large part of DC's decision to release ZEO. By enabling Zope
clusters ZEO addresses pragmatically several limitations inherent in the
curent state of Zope / Python. As a side effect, redundancy brings with it
answers to concerns regarding reliablility, of hardware, if not Zope
itself, in a mission critical setting.

While some may see throwing hardware at performance / reliability needs, as
inelegant at best, to others with hopes of rolling Zope out for the long
term, this seems like a perfectly reasonable solution. Python and Zope will
continue to improve, and all Zope users will benefit. For now, leveraging
commodity priced hardware is actually about as elegant as it gets.

So, DC has heard and answered, and Zope is the better for it!