[Zope] Sybasedav2
Hung Jung Lu
Fri, 31 Mar 2000 11:19:08 PST
>i don't know what more tell you about the error.
In case you have not realized, what you have provided is NOT
an error message. I don't know why you call it an error message.
That is why I asked you to provide the error message. :)
If you have an error message, please provide it. If not,
please don't call something an error message when it is NOT.
Por Dios, si no hay error, para que me asustas? :)
Please read the README.txt file and follow the steps there.
(1) First check your environmental variable is properly
pointed. Do
echo $SYBASE
if it does not show the directory of installation of your
Sybase database, you are in bad shape. You need to set this
environment variable, preferable from the moment you reboot
the machine, but if not, from your Zope's "start" file.
export SYBASE
(2) Follow the instructions in README.txt
cp Setup.linux Setup
make -f Makefile.pre.in boot
cp sy_occ.so ..
Then it'll work.
(Me parece que tu problema no es Sybase adapter, tu
problema puede ser Unix/Linux. Parece que no eres
familiar con Unix/Linux.)
Hung Jung
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