[Zope] ANN: JPicture 0.0.2 released

Jens Vagelpohl Jens@digicool.com
Mon, 1 May 2000 08:15:29 -0400

Hi everybody,

Having read a lot of peoples' questions about how to create types of
objects that act as a container and into which you can upload stuff like
pictures, and because I had a personal need for this type of object, I
sat down and created "JPicture". I know, very imaginative name...

JPicture is an "old-style" Zope product (meaning it is not ZClass-based
and all components are on the file system) that is based on Zope's own
Image class with the following additions:

* a field of type "text" called "description" that allows you to store
more than just a title with the picture
* a second image can be uploaded into a JPicture as a "thumbnail"
attribute. This can be done either when a JPicture is first created or
at any point afterwards.

Otherwise JPicture quacks and waddles just like a normal Image in Zope.

Apart from my own need I hope it can serve as a model for those who have
had problems in the past tackling the "uploading a file into an
object"-problem. And if you're a big ZClass fan it is very easy to make
JPicture into a Base class that can be inherited by a new ZClass by
either replacing the code in __init__.py that starts with
"context.registerClass..." with a line that reads
"context.registerBaseClass(JPicture.JPicture, 'JPicture') or simply
adding this after the "context.registerClass..." bit.

Find the whole shebang including legalese and other documentation at:
http://www.zope.org/Members/jens/JPicture !



Jens Vagelpohl		jens@digicool.com
Software Engineer	      www.digicool.com
Digital Creations 	(888) 344-4332

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