[Zope] Z ODBC Database Connection String HELP is really apprechiated!

CURTIS David David.Curtis@state.or.us
04 May 2000 18:27:27 -0700


I wish to connect to a linux box running mysql from an NT workstation with Zope.  I added the MySQL ODBC driver to NT and can not connect to the linux box.  I have tried exhaustively several connection strings but to no avail.
The TDX mysql Driver is set thusly:
Windows DSN Name: MySQL
MySQL Host (name or IP):
MySQL database name: test
User: nobody
Password: nobody
Port (if not 3306):  Left Blank
SQL command on connect: mysql -h 
My Zope connection -h -u nobody -p nobody
but I have also tried : test nobody password
dsn user password