[Zope] How to pass variables to your Z-SQL Methaod
Heiko Stoermer
Heiko Stoermer <heiko.stoermer@innominate.de>
Fri, 05 May 2000 14:06:24 +0200
Rajani Iyer wrote:
> Hi every body
> Is there any one who could till me how to pass variable to z-sql method.
> becoz i am working on search engine which has to be done in Zope.
> and my search engine ,searchs for many things so i need to built a query
> for e.g
> In Perl or PHP.
> select * from movies where $query
> $query is the Query you will be checking for diffrent things and passing
> it to sql query
> can any one could tell me how to pass value to my z-sql method
> if i have the one :
> select * from movies where <dtml-var query>
> * how to pass 'query' to my z-sql method in to the page where i will be
> using this z-sql method for search.
please go to the zope site. in the documentation area you will find the
"Z SQL Methods User's Guide".
Grab it, swallow it, you'll feel better afterwards. Documentation is
good for you. ;-)
innominate AG
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