[Zope] DreamWeaver Ultradev
Chris Withers
Fri, 12 May 2000 10:14:05 +0100
> DC has tried hard to get WebDAV support to work cleanly. If there are
> still bugs in it, please submit them (with lots of details!!) to the
> Collector.
To be honest, I think I last played with it in 2.1.3, so I'm guessing I
can actually upload and download objects/files with it now?
What other cool stuff can WebDAV do?
PS: I just tried this with IE5's 'Open as Web Folder' (which is WebDav,
I think...)
I could upload files, but they appear as file objects only. How would I
upload a DTML Document/Method?
Even more cool, how could I upload an arbitary object stroed locally in,
say, XML? (ignoring the huge security risk that would expose ;-)
Problems I had: I couldn't download *anything*, just got a message
saying an error occured while trying. Actually, sorry, I lied, I can
download objects which have extensions (I tried a .gif and that
worked...) but that's not entirely helpful...
Mayeb I'm just misunderstandign what WebDAV is supposed to do?!