[Zope] Domain name change and start problem

ed colmar element@immersivearts.com
Sat, 13 May 2000 10:12:40 -0600

I did discover the solution for this.  I restarted the server, and
everything worked fine.


>	After registering my domain name, and reconfiguring my server, my Zserver
>will not start.  I tried intalling a fresh zope, but I get the same error.
>I am new to linux, so I could be missing something obvious.  Thanks for any
>	I have a x86 red-hat 6.1 system.  
>The error I get:
>[root@linux zope]# Traceback (innermost last):
>  File "/usr/local/zope/z2.py", line 493, in ?
>    logger_object=lg)
>  File "/usr/local/zope/ZServer/medusa/http_server.py", line 560, in
>    ip = socket.gethostbyname (socket.gethostname())
>socket.error: host not found