[Zope] compiling MySQLDA on Win98?

tommy_b@my-deja.com tommy_b@my-deja.com
Sun, 14 May 2000 16:49:17 -0700

Im trying to get ZOPE to interface with a 
MySQL database on my Win98se machine (tried
Linux before, but the learning curve is too
great :/).

Its too bad MySQLDA 1.1.4 wont work on Win32.
So Im forced to use 1.1.3.
But there is no mention what compiler to make
the program, or any extra libs I should use. 
The HowTO skips this make step.

Can someone give me, a non-C-programmer, idiot proof instructions how to get the MySQLDA up &
running?  I need to now everything I must d/l &
run.  Or the Win32 binaries would be nice :)


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