[Zope] Fomatting Dates for the UK

Graham Chiu anon_emouse@hotmail.com
Tue, 16 May 2000 08:09:15 +1300

In article <EXECMAIL.1000515173913.M@piell.bris.ac.uk>, Paul Smith
<Paul.Smith@bristol.ac.uk> writes
>ZOPE newbie alert:
>I am trying to get ZOPE to publish dates in UK format. I am fine with 
>getting todays date formatted as required by calling a dtml-var, but 
>the problem is with putting up 'future-static' dates such as the example
>in the Content Managers Guide, where you want to do something like 
>"This site will go live on..." using 'expected_date' which is a 
>property with type date. This automatically formats 20 June 2000 to 
>2000/06/20 and I can't figure out how to change it.


Regards,        Graham Chiu
http://www.compkarori.com/dynamo - The Homebuilt Dynamo
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