[Zope] subfolder wrong absolute_url
Chris Withers
Tue, 16 May 2000 10:29:21 +0100
Steve Alexander wrote:
> Zope gets around this by doing clever things with the <base
> href="stuff"> tag.
> Take a look at http://www.zope.org/SiteIndex
Cheers for the excellent explanation, Steve :-)
This is the reason why the <!--</head>--> hack which some people use
when virtual hosting on Zope is BAD(tm)
It does make running a web-wacker over a Zope site a bti of a pain
> Perhaps the problems Chris has observed with IE stem from IE not using
> the base tag in its cookie algorithms?
Hmmm... could be so, can anyone else provide some evidence? It might
just be something else that I was doign wrong...