[Zope] How does one set MailHost on Squishdot?

Chris Withers chrisw@nipltd.com
Wed, 17 May 2000 13:18:48 +0100

Hi! :-)

andres@corrada.com wrote:
>   I've installed a Squishdot folder and I've been roaming around the tabs,
> etc. but I haven't found how to set the MailHost option so authors get
> notifications everytime someone replies to their articles. Where is it?

A few points:

1. The mailhost options will only be displayed if you have defined a
MailHost object that is aquirable by your Squishdot folder.

2. If you've done this, there is a Mail Host drop down list on the
'options' tab of the Squishdot folder where you can select the
appropriate mail host.

3. The mail notifications sent out by folders created with either of the
'fancy demo' options will be brokenas they send out incorrectly
formatted MIME email. This was partially fixed in version 0.3.4 but
won't be totally fixed until version 0.4.0 comes out.

Hope this helps,
