[Zope] RE: Generate edito form from dtmlDocument : property type
Dr. Ross Lazarus
Tue, 23 May 2000 08:35:01 +1000
Yes, it's definitely a very interesting product and goes a long way
toward what I was thinking about. It's a step toward what could be a
killer app for zope I think - most web developers would kill for an open
source through the web RAD tool.
I still think it's worth peeking at what I've done because it generates
ZSQL code as well as the DTML skeleton for a typical application. It
would be easy to integrate I imagine with metapublisher. In my
experience, the ZODB is great for development and testing, but there
comes a point with big apps where you think seriously about RDBMS
Jason Spisak wrote:
> Dr. Ross Lazarus writes:
> Have you guys seen MetaPublisher?!
> http://hive.beehive.de/Beehive/www.beehive.de/Zope/MetaPublisher/
> A very strong offering in this direction.
> > I think the general idea of automating html generation for data entry
> > web forms is a very
> > good one, but IMHO it's heroic to even think about doing this sort of
> > stuff in dtml!! (This
> > discussion probably should be moved to zope-dev?)
> >
> > I've got something which generates useful DTML and ZSQL code
> > automagically from ZClass BASIC propertysheet contents and so can be
> > used to do the grunt work for making zclass add and edit methods. It
> > generates ZSQL code which is only tested for the sybaseda but would be
> > relatively easy to tweak for other DA's
> >
> > It uses a single python external method - have a look at
> > http://www.zope.org/Members/rossl/ZClassExtender for an example of
> > what's possible...feel free to extend it?!!
Dr Ross Lazarus
Associate Professor and Sub-Dean for Information Technology
Faculty of Medicine, Room 126A, A27, University of Sydney,
Camperdown, NSW 2006, Australia
Tel: (+61 2) 93514429 Mobile: +61414872482
Fax: (+61 2) 93516646 Email: rossl@med.usyd.edu.au