[Zope] Switch, Attribution and NT
Tue, 23 May 2000 18:21:12 +0100
Q1 {A} --------------------------------------------------------
Is it possible to rewrite the following piece of DTML into something easier
and managable?
<dtml-if "_.string.split(URL,'/')[-1]=='foobar_html'">
Cool! You are viewing foobar_html
<dtml-elif "_.string.split(URL,'/')[-1]=='barfoo_html'">
More cool! You are viewing barfoo_html
<dtml-elif ...
<dtml-elif ...
This is supposed to be in the standard_html_header, and I now wonder if it
is possible to write an switch or case statement for this.
Q1 {B} --------------------------------------------------------
How do you write an AND and OR in an IF-statement?
I have tried this:
<dtml-if "_.string.split(URL,'/')[-2]=='pornfolder' OR/AND
You are viewing the pornfolder AND/OR the murder_todolist_folder!!
...but that does not work.
I would also like to use something like this:
"...=='pornfolder' OR/AND 'murder_todolist_folder'"
Ideas? Tips?
Q2 --------------------------------------------------------
How do you change the source to the Attribution button in the
Q3 --------------------------------------------------------
When I installed Zope on my NT I installed it as a service (i.e. that it
Now, for some reason it does not autostart; which is what I want. How do I
fix that?
If I reinstall Zope, will my installed products and objects (can be
export-/imported) be deleted?
Thank you for you advice ladies and gentlemen!