[Zope] E-Commerce solution using Python and Zope.

Andrew Kenneth Milton akm@mail.theinternet.com.au
Fri, 26 May 2000 18:56:47 +1000 (EST)

+----[ Bill Anderson ]---------------------------------------------
| Itamar Shtull-Trauring wrote:
| > 
| > Jilani Khaldi wrote:
| > >
| > > Hi All,
| > > do you know about something written in Python & Zope for e-commerce
| > > solutions?
| > 
| > Etailer - http://e-tailer.adriot.net
| > 
| > It's simple, but very nice.
| But the url doesn't work, No DNS entry (been trying off and on since it
| was posted...)

adroit not adriot :-)

Totally Holistic Enterprises Internet|  P:+61 7 3870 0066   | Andrew Milton
The Internet (Aust) Pty Ltd          |  F:+61 7 3870 4477   | 
ACN: 082 081 472                     |  M:+61 416 022 411   | Carpe Daemon
PO Box 837 Indooroopilly QLD 4068    |akm@theinternet.com.au|