[Zope] Re: [Zope-Annce] ANN: Perl For Zope - why I'm bummed
Oleg Broytmann
Fri, 26 May 2000 14:55:52 +0000 (GMT)
On Sat, 27 May 2000, Andrew Kenneth Milton wrote:
> | > So, I believe this is enough reason for me to start considering other
> | > web technologies for me, and my company.
> |
> | I am considering dismounting the Zope bandwagon, too :( It was good
> | techonology, but what will come?
> Where do you intend on going? If there was something better out there
> you'd be humping its leg already.
Thanks goodness, I am not using Zope on production servers. I use Zope
only to experiments and understand the technology. Looked good until
On production servers I use pure Python CGIs powered by ZTemplates. I
think I can add ZPublisher and PersistentCGI without diving into full Zope.
Of course, if perl wouldn't hurt Zope as much as I am afraid, I'll
return to considering to use Zope on production servers. (Most of my sites
are not interactive - just a "picture"; but there is one that during its
development through last year became finally highly interactive; the site
looks like first candidate for Zope and PTK and other Products).
Oleg. (All opinions are mine and not of my employer)
Oleg Broytmann Foundation for Effective Policies phd@phd.russ.ru
Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.