[Zope] Tutorial
Charlie Derr
Fri, 26 May 2000 13:14:26 -0400
|I see Amos has a tutorial. Could this be added by default to each member's
|Zope area on Zope.org? Might me useful almost as a small 'demo' of Zope's
The flip side of this suggestion is that the act of installing the tutorial
does actually teach one something (if one is just starting out). IMNHO,
it's not really that hard, though maybe your point was that many people
might not be aware of its existence, and having it installed by default
would help those who might not have found and installed it themselves.
|Daniel Fairs
|danfairs@bits.bris.ac.uk, danfairs@hotmail.com
|http://www.darkalley.co.uk, http://listen.to/agentorange
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