[Zope] Q: Using WebDav to edit Zope DTML Methods.

Graham Heyes heyes@jlab.org
Wed, 31 May 2000 12:14:01 -0400

Itamar Shtull-Trauring wrote:
> Graham Heyes wrote:
> > I have been using a very nice HTML editor under Linux, called Quanta+,
> > unfortunately it can't open anything except local files. That's fine
> > when I'm at work since I can use ZOPEEdit (ftp) or LocalFS. (LocalFS
> > doesn't behave well with trees and other navigation products so I try to
> > avoid it). The problem is that from home I can't use ftp becaues of the
> > firewall. I've tried to tunnel through ssh but that doesn't work for me.
> > I've been looking at WebDAV or writing something using ZClient but my
> > python is very rusty.
> Try LoadSite - a GUI upload client written in wxPython that runs over HTTP:
> http://www.zope.org/Members/itamar/load_site
> Only problem is that you need to patch Zope, but it's a tiny change.  It
> also can do nice things like automatically add <dtml-var
> standard_html_header/footer> to your pages.
> -- 
> Itamar S.T.  itamar@maxnm.com
Yes I already have load_site but it is (as far as I can see) an upload  
tool. I can't edit anything that has already been uploaded so I have to  
keep a local copy of everything. What can happen is that someone else 
updates  a page from their local copy then I update from mine and lose 
the changes.
   The idea with WebDAV was that I could lock edit and unlock with the 
only copy being in the Zope database.

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