[Zope] Help with general purpose ZSQL Method

Jon Prettyman jprettyman@acm.org
03 Nov 2000 15:03:59 -0800

I want to write a generic table browser ZSQL method and am having
trouble getting the output that I want.

Given a ZSQLMethod that looks like this:
ID:        browse_table
Arguments: table:string=""

SELECT * FROM <dtml-var table>

I'm trying to write a DTML method to display the results of this
method WITH COLUMN NAMES.  For the life of me, I can't figure out how
to do this.

Basically, I have:

<dtml-in "browse_table(table='xxxx')" size=1>

  <dtml-in sequence-item>
    <dtml-var sequence-item>


The inner sequence-item gives me the data, but how to I determine the
column name?
