[Zope] Second Try: Zope FTP tunneled through SSH1

Rob Miller rob@kalistra.com
Wed, 08 Nov 2000 11:43:55 -0800

Nobody picked up at all on my first post of this question, so I'm hoping 
I have better luck this time.  Does anyone out there even have any leads 
for me in this situation?  Here's the repost:

I'm trying to tunnel FTP connections to a Zope server through SSH1 to
ensure that passwords don't get sent in the clear.  (I know the session
will still be unencrypted; that's okay for now.)  I've followed the
instructions for doing so that are available at
http://www.employees.org/~satch/ssh/faq/ssh-faq-5.html#ss5.6, and doing
so I can successfully create an FTP session through an SSH tunnel.  The
problem is, once I've logged in, Zope won't let me do anything.  It
responds to every valid command with a single word: 'Unauthorized.'  I 
know I'm connected to the server, because 'cd'ing into a nonexistent 
directory gives me a 'No Such Directory' response, byt 'cd'ing into a 
valid directory gives me th 'Unauthorized' response.  If I connect 
directly to the FTP server using the same login and password,
all works well.

If this can't work, does anyone have Zope FTP server connections being 
tunneled through an encryption layer?  I'd really like my developers to 
be able to use their favorite editor with an FTP connection, but I 
really don't want management-capable passwords flying around in the clear.

Thanks for your time and assistance,
