[Zope] LDAP variable problem
Tue, 14 Nov 2000 08:51:04 +0100
At 08:09 14.11.2000 +1100, you wrote:
>Have you had a look at what the filter method returns when you press use
>"Test" tab?
The test (uid=*) shows me all the data from the LDAP server.
If in the dtml-method, I insert <dtml-var searchPerson> (where searchPerson
is my LDAP filter), following data is shown:
[<Entry instance at 34436080; uid=LLAMPACH,ou=people,o=isp.lu>, <Entry
instance at 34436016; uid=JTHEIS,ou=people,o=isp.lu>, <Entry instance at
34437904; uid=mludwig,ou=people,o=isp.lu>, ......
So, the connection to the LDAP server is ok, and the LDAP-filter finds some
>You may find some clues there in the data that it returns (if you have got
>your LDAP search filter typed in correctly...)
Marc Ludwig
> - Michael
>Melbourne, Australia
> At 09:32 AM 13/11/2000 +0100, you wrote:
>>I was inserting the "missing= " statement into the <dtml-var sn> key.
>>In fact, I don't get the key error anymore. But unfortunately, I don't
>>get the values of the sn attribute either.
>>The method just returns me an empty line for every LDAP entry.
>>How can I access the LDAP attributes?
>>any ideas?
>>Thanks a lot.
>>Marc Ludwig
>>At 14:29 12.11.2000 +1100, you wrote:
>>>Hi Zopistas,
>>>Firstly, a big thank you to all thos epeople who helped me with KeyError
>>>problem when accessing LDAP entries.
>>>Just so the solution makes it onto the mailing list archive (for the
>>>next bunny who has the same problem) the solution was to add the
>>>following to each of your variables
>>>...so that when Zope came across entries without that attribute it
>>>didn't barf.
>>>I now have one last problem. I can now access all entries from the LDAP
>>>directory using the notation <dtml-var sn missing = >- all except
>>>one - the "title" attibute .
>>>I am guessing that it is because Zope uses "title" to reference the
>>>title of the object in the zope database, and therefore won't let you
>>>get at the ldap variable using the normal:
>>><dtml-var title> notation.
>>>Is there any way I can pinpoint the LDAP variable instead of the object
>>>title in zope? I have no control over the ldap server and attributes
>>>name, so I can't change it at that end.
>>>When I test the LDAP filter method I can see the variable (it lists all
>>>of the attributes of the LDAP record), but I can't reference it in DTML.
>>>My filter method is called 'Academics' and just extracts a list of
>>>academics in the biology department here at Monash University. I'm sure
>>>there must be a way using python notation, but not being a python expert
>>>(yet!), I could do with a few clues...
>>>Any ideas?
>>>Thanks again...
>>> - Michael