[Zope] New release of HiperDom and ZUnit
Lalo Martins
Thu, 16 Nov 2000 04:04:26 -0200
I made releases of both HiperDom and ZUnit yesterday. (Yes,
yesterday, Tuesday. I just forgot to make the announcement. Duh.)
The big news is that HiperDom is fully ZUnit-tested (which
gives you an idea of its API if you check the source of
HiperDomTests.py) and some buglets were fixed in the process;
ZUnit benefited a lot from some practical use (writing the
tests for HiperDom) and is now a lot more usable.
You don't need ZUnit to run HiperDom, but if you want to run
the tests, you do need the newest release of ZUnit (plus PyUnit
on your Python path).
HiperDom represents the presentation layer. Python Methods are
the ideal logic layer. So we figured we'd want an object for
the data layer. Actually, the data layer usually resides on
ZClasses or Python classes, but we wanted to have a
"lightweight" data layer object, so we coded one up and
included it (for now) in the HiperDom Product. Try it out.
There's not a lot of documentation yet, but the addform tells
you most of what you want to know.
Hack and Roll ( http://www.hackandroll.org )
News for, uh, whatever it is that we are.
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