[Zope] expiring dtml documents
Cees de Groot
Sun, 19 Nov 2000 13:09:49 +0100
wade@fizzylab.com said:
> any insight as to how one might code something like that?
Document traversal is a simple recursive Python function - with one call to
objectValues on a folder you can extract all documents (and iterate over them,
check their creation date, remove them if necessary); with a second call to
objectValues you get all subfolders and recurse into them.
objectValues matches on meta type, which is 'Folder' for a folder, and 'DTML
Method' for a DTML method. So you'd get something like:
def expire(folder):
for i in self.objectItems('DTML Method'):
id = i[0]; value = i[1]
if value.bobobase_modification_time() < """now minus two weeks""":
# remove i. Maybe tricky because you're iterating
# and removing from a collection. check.
for i in folder.objectValues('Folder'):
Add this as a Python method (or similar) to the top-level folder where you
want to expire, and kicking it off is as simple as a HTTP GET from a cron job
(I think there's a job scheduler for Zope as well, should make it even easier).
Disclaimer: untested, untested, and I never tried this out.
Cees de Groot http://www.cdegroot.com <cg@cdegroot.com>
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