[Zope] Search and replace

Martin Winkler marwin98@gmx.net
Mon, 20 Nov 2000 12:23:31 +0100 (MET)

At 05:58 20.11.2000, Lee Hunter <lee.hunter@hum.com> wrote:
> Isn't replacing text one of the most fundamental tasks when creating and
> maintaining a web site or any other set of documents, for that matter?

No, as far as I am concerned. Since I am using Zope (and trying to learn
Java), the object-oriented approach is great for not having to search/replace
anymore. I really do not know any situation where s/r is still needed. The
people who fill in content in our company have ZClass-Interfaces, and they
only insert actual content.

Another thought: If Zope would offer s/r, then a bunch of programmers
would stick in their bad behaviour _not_ implementing <dtml-var>'s, because
"it's easy and effortless to replace everything from 'Copyright 2000' to
'Copyright 2001'". But think of it: Maybe this string is correct somewhere and
SHOULD stay the same. So s/r is at least inefficient, because you'd have to
check every file whether Zope should replace or not.

Just my 2c,


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