[Zope] how-to list all the zclasses constructors ?

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Tue, 21 Nov 2000 00:22:18 +0100 (CET)

Didier Georgieff writes:
 > I guess it should be simple to generate the list of constructors and 
 > proposing the associated methods, but i just can't figure how to do that ;-<
I answer with a general remark:

  Whenever you see that the Zope management interface does something
  you are interested in, you can learn how it is done by
  looking at the DTML source that built the respective management

In your case, this is "OFS/main.dtml":

  <SELECT NAME=":method" ONCHANGE="location.href='&dtml-URL1;/'+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">
  <dtml-in filtered_meta_types mapping sort=name>
    <OPTION value="&dtml.url_quote-action;">&dtml-name;

"filtered_meta_types" is a list of registered meta type objects.
A meta type object has attributes "name", the meta type,
and "action", the associated constructor.
