[Zope] Newbie Question Fixed but continuing.

Dany Rioux rdany@drioux.com
Fri, 24 Nov 2000 11:46:00 -0400

Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for.

I know that the DTML reference is there on Zope.org but it's a hassle
and well, I'll keep my other opinions for myself.

Anyway. Here's an idea. Shouldn't there be a list FAQ? If there is one
it should be sent when subscribing. Or it could be requested. I'm
pretty sure most of the questions I sent have already been sent &
answered more than once already and I know some that most other FAQs
use one. So, why not zope general list? It *is* possible, though
unlikely, that there is a list FAQ mentionned in the "Welcome to Zope
mailing list" email but if there is, my apologies.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: michel@localhost.localdomain
> [mailto:michel@localhost.localdomain]On Behalf Of Michel Pelletier
> Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 12:17 PM
> To: Dany Rioux
> Cc: Zope Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [Zope] Newbie Question Fixed but continuing.
> Dany Rioux wrote:
> >
> > Thanks Philipp and Jim,
> >
> > It worked! But... (there's always a but! :) I thought I was clever
> > when I thought about naming my news files news999, news998 etc,
> > thinking it would parse the directory and print the news sorted by
> > their names. So news998 would be printed before news999 etc. It
> > doesn't.
> >
> > <deleted questions because it's fixed> :) </deleted>
> >
> > Now this too is fixed. I just discovered the "sort=" thingie.
> >
> > One thing would sure be helpful, a Guide explaining all
> the subtags in
> > a tag. Like what can be used in a <dtml-var> or <dtml-in>
> and params
> > for each subtag.
> http://www.zope.org/Members/michel/ZB/AppendixA.html
> This DTML reference is also included in the Online Help
> System with Zope
> 2.4b1 and beyond.