[Zope] Re: is it possible to see whether any user is using a perticular zope object

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Thu, 23 Nov 2000 23:43:46 +0100 (CET)

subrahmanyan kalathur writes:
 >    which RDBMS will u suggest.
MySQL or Postgres
 > and for that what are the changes need to be done for my zope.
Install the RDBMS and the corresponding Zope database adapter.
Replace your Zope Gadfly connection(s) by corresponding
Zope XXX connection(s).
Maybe, you need small adjustments to your SQL.
 > and where can I get that.
You know archives and search engines?
 > give the links please.
Am I your consultant?
I do not think so. It would take me as long as you to
find the links (in the searchable archive of this list
and/or via search engines).
