[Zope] Instance within Instance

Daryl Stultz daryl@together.net
Sun, 26 Nov 2000 20:21:09 -0500

Tim Cook wrote:

> NOT TESTED, but simialr to something I do:
> <dtml-call expr="class1.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'],
> <dtml-with "_.getitem(id)">
>   <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('id', 'myClass2')">
>   <dtml-call "class2_add(_.None, _, NoRedir=1)">
> </dtml-with>

Hmmm, doesn't seem to be working (also results in class1 and class2
being at same level). I'll take a look at some other examples.

Thanks for the help (and quick replies).