[Zope] Instance within Instance

Tim Cook twcook@iswt.com
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 07:28:32 -0600

Daryl Stultz wrote:
> Tim Cook wrote:
> >
> > Daryl,
> >
> > Import the DarylProduct.zexp into your Products folder.
> > The DarylExample.zexp can go anywhere in you Zope tree.
> As luck would have it, the file did not import into Products (File
> /usr/local/Zope/lib/python/OFS/CopySupport.py, line 406, in
> _verifyObjectPaste)
> It DID import into the root folder (I did this purely by accident!) I

Well, that shouldn't have happened. At least in previous versions
of Zope you could not import a Product into anything but the
Products folder.

> was then able to recreate the called-for classes and IT WORKED!! I
> haven't figured out HOW yet but I will. Thanks a lot for the help, and

Maybe this worked out better since you had to actually recreate
them <g>.
You're welcome.

> let me know if you need any fancy Python methods...

I will. <s> 

-- Tim Cook, President --
Free Practice Management,Inc. | http://FreePM.com
Office: (901) 884-4126
Censorship: The reaction of the ignorant to freedom.