[Zope] Hexcolors and DTML

Curtis Maloney curtis@cardgate.net
Mon, 2 Oct 2000 10:27:56 +1100

On Sun, 01 Oct 2000, Peter Bengtsson wrote:
> This might be a math-python question but...
> All I want to do is to print out the hexvalue of all black/white colors for
> a "fading HTML table".
> #ffffff, #fefefe, #fdfdfd, ... #020202, #010101, #000000
> I can do a loop from 1 to 255, but I don't know where to go from there.

<dtml-in "_.range(1,256)">
 <font color="<dtml-var "'#%x%x%x' % (_['sequence-item'] ,_['sequence-item'] 
,_['sequence-item'] )">">BLAH</font><br>

> BTW, are there non-websafe greycolors? Can the loop be for only websafe
> ones?

According to a recent study, there are approximately 13 'web safe' colours, 
out of the full 16,777,216.  Can you be bothered restricting yourself to 
support the 'lowest common denominator' ?

If you really want to know what they are, do a quick search back on 
www.slashdot.org for the link.

Have a better one,
	Curtis Maloney