[Zope] SiteAccess2 problem
Oliver Wrede
Tue, 3 Oct 2000 15:39:22 +0200
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"
I am trying to use SiteAccess2 with a site which has imported
SiteAccess1 objects.
Whenever I try to open "Set access rule" I get this error (so I can't
set a new one or delete an existing one):
Zope Error
Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.
Error Type: AttributeError
Error Value: 'string' object has no attribute 'name'
Troubleshooting Suggestions
* The URL may be incorrect.
* The parameters passed to this resource may be incorrect.
* A resource that this resource relies on may be encountering an error.
For more detailed information about the error, please refer to the
HTML source for this page.
If the error persists please contact the site maintainer. Thank you
for your patience.
Traceback (innermost last):
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 222, in
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 187, in publish
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py, line 221, in
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 171, in publish
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/ZPublisher/mapply.py, line 160, in mapply
(Object: www/AccessRuleAdd)
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 112, in
(Object: www/AccessRuleAdd)
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/App/special_dtml.py, line 120, in __call__
(Object: www/AccessRuleAdd)
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_String.py, line
528, in __call__
(Object: www/AccessRuleAdd)
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_Util.py, line
337, in eval
(Object: manage_getAccessRule(this()))
(Info: manage_getAccessRule)
File <string>, line 0, in ?
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/Products/SiteAccess/AccessRule.py,
line 76, in getAccessRule
(Object: Traversable)
AttributeError: (see above)
.. Oliver Wrede
.. owrede@khm.de
.. Academy of Media Arts, Cologne
.. Peter-Welter-Platz 2 . 50676 Koeln, Germany
.. http://www.khm.de
.. ICQ# 6580315
.. PGP 6.0 Fingerprint:
.. 922C FFA2 9A07 5B8E CB2A 10A2 C370 6A62 2232 196C
Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN">
<html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
blockquote, dl, ul, ol, li { margin-top: 0 ; margin-bottom: 0 }
--></style><title>SiteAccess2 problem</title></head><body>
<div>I am trying to use SiteAccess2 with a site which has imported
SiteAccess1 objects.</div>
<div>Whenever I try to open "Set access rule" I get this
error (so I can't set a new one or delete an existing one):</div>
<div><font face="Times" size="+4" color="#000000"><br></font></div>
<div><font face="Times" size="+4" color="#000000">Zope
Error</font><font face="Times" size="+3" color="#000000"><br>
Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.<br>
Error Type: AttributeError<br>
Error Value: 'string' object has no attribute 'name'<br>
Troubleshooting Suggestions<br>
*<x-tab> </x-tab>The URL may be
*<x-tab> </x-tab>The parameters passed
to this resource may be incorrect.</font></div>
<div><font face="Times" size="+3"
color="#000000">*<x-tab> </x-tab>A
resource that this resource relies on may be encountering an
For more detailed information about the error, please refer to the
HTML source for this page.<br>
If the error persists please contact the site maintainer. Thank you
for your patience.<br>
</font><tt><font size="+2" color="#000000"><br>
Traceback (innermost last):<br>
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line
222, in publish_module<br>
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line
187, in publish<br>
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py, line 221, in
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line
171, in publish<br>
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/ZPublisher/mapply.py, line 160,
in mapply<br>
(Object: www/AccessRuleAdd)<br>
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line
112, in call_object<br>
(Object: www/AccessRuleAdd)<br>
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/App/special_dtml.py, line 120,
in __call__<br>
(Object: www/AccessRuleAdd)<br>
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_String.py,
line 528, in __call__<br>
(Object: www/AccessRuleAdd)<br>
File /www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_Util.py,
line 337, in eval<br>
(Object: manage_getAccessRule(this()))<br>
(Info: manage_getAccessRule)<br>
File <string>, line 0, in ?<br>
/www/zope/2.2.2/lib/python/Products/SiteAccess/AccessRule.py, line 76,
in getAccessRule<br>
(Object: Traversable)<br>
AttributeError: (see above)</font></tt><br>
<tt><font size="+2" color="#000000"></font></tt></div>
<div>-- <br>
.. Oliver Wrede<br>
.. owrede@khm.de<br>
.. Academy of Media Arts, Cologne<br>
.. Peter-Welter-Platz 2 . 50676 Koeln, Germany<br>
.. http://www.khm.de<br>
.. ICQ# 6580315<br>
.. PGP 6.0 Fingerprint:<br>
.. 922C FFA2 9A07 5B8E CB2A 10A2 C370 6A62 2232 196C</div>