[Zope] Passing parameters to methods - how to?
Tue, 03 Oct 2000 10:07:29 +0100
"César A. K. Grossmann" wrote:
> Maik Roeder wrote:
> >
> > > Clicking in the "submit" button, it gives me an error, telling that
> > > 'username' is not defined. So I included an hidden field with
> > > name="username" and value="<dtml-var username>", but I'm thinking this
> > > is not the better way to do that...
> That is the real question: how to substitute the
> '<a href="ManageUserProperties?username=someuser">someuser</a>' using
> hidden fields? M
> I'm thinking that maintaining some "session attributes" in a cookie is
> another idea, and sustitute the direct call to the method to a call to a
> JavaScript, but I don't want to use the most complicated method...
There are only two ways of doing this:
1) hidden form inputs
2) cookies
3) session variables (kind of like number 2)
Using the former solution, you can make your link be the submit button
for the form, either by using Javascript (yuk: <a
href="javascript:document.forms['myform'].submit()">someuser</a>) or by
making it a graphical button rather than a text link (<input
type=button, img="button.gif"> as far as I remember, but I might be
Why use javascript to access cookies? You can set and get them purely
using zope. http://www.zope.org/Members/BwanaZulia/cookies. Also, why
not install a session product (HappySession, FSSession, SQLSession...),
it'll probably make your life easier in the long run...